Graphene Django CUD integration

This library also integrates cleanly with Graphene Django Cud by providing the following mutations:

  • ScopedDjangoCreateMutation

  • ScopedDjangoUpdateMutation

  • ScopedDjangoPatchMutation

  • ScopedDjangoDeleteMutation

  • ScopedDjangoBatchDeleteMutation

  • ScopedDjangoFilterDeleteMutation

These can be split into two groups: Those that alter specific objects, and those that don’t.

Object-specific mutations

Those that do, work very similar to the last section.

For instance:

from django_scoped_permissions.graphql import ScopedDjangoUpdateMutation

class UpdateUserMutation(ScopedDjangoUpdateMutation):
    class Meta:
        model = User

Using this mutation will require access to the object, as specified by the object’s get_required_scopes method.

You can also customize the permissions required by using the permissions property:

from django_scoped_permissions.graphql import ScopedDjangoUpdateMutation

class UpdateUserMutation(ScopedDjangoUpdateMutation):
    class Meta:
        model = User
        # E.g.
        permissions = (

        # or e.g.
        permissions = (

        # Or e.g.
        permissions = ScopedPermissionGuard(scope="users", verb="update")

Other mutations

Mutations that don’t alter specific objects do not have any default permission implementation, and requires you to fill out the permissions property.

from django_scoped_permissions.graphql import ScopedDjangoUpdateMutation

class CreateUserMutation(ScopedDjangoCreateMutation):
    class Meta:
        model = User
        # E.g.
        permissions = (

        # or e.g.
        permissions = (

        # Or e.g.
        permissions = ScopedPermissionGuard(scope="users", verb="update")